Sunday 18 September 2011

Top Ten Greatest Movies of all time

1. The Shawshank Reddemption
Famous quotes
Warden Samuel Norton: Do you enjoy working in the laundry?
Andy Dufresne: No sir, not especially.

Andy Dufresne: You know what the Mexicans say about the Pacific?
Red: No.
Andy Dufresne: They say it has no memory. That's where I want to live the rest of my life. A warm place with no memory.

[Boggs sizes Andy up]
Boggs: Hey, anybody come at you yet? Anybody get to you yet?
[Andy looks at him in puzzlement]
Boggs: Hey, we all need friends in here. I could be a friend to you.
[Andy walks away]
Boggs: Hey... Hard to get. I like that...

Red: [narrating] But then, in the spring of 1949, the powers that be decided that...
Warden Samuel Norton: The roof of the license-plate factory needs resurfacing. I need a dozen volunteers for a week's work. As you know, special detail carries with it special privledges.
Red: [narrating] It was outdoor detail - and May is one damn fine month to be working outside.

Warden Samuel Norton: I have to say that's the most amazing story I've ever heard. What amazes me most is that you were taken in by it.
Andy Dufresne: Sir?
Warden Samuel Norton: It's obvious this fellow Williams is impressed with you, he hears your tale of woe and naturally wants to cheer you up. He's young, not terribly bright, it's not surprising he wouldn't know what a state he put you in.
Andy Dufresne: Sir, he's telling the truth.
Warden Samuel Norton: Let's say for the moment this Blatch does exist. You think he'd just fall to his knees and cry: "Yes, I did it, I confess! Oh, and by the way, add a life term to my sentence."
Andy Dufresne: You know that wouldn't matter. With Tommy's testimony I can get a new trial.
Warden Samuel Norton: That's assuming Blatch is still there. Chances are excellent he'd be released by now.
Andy Dufresne: Well they'd have his last known address, names of relatives. It's a *chance*, isn't it.
[Norton shakes his head]
Andy Dufresne: How can you be so obtuse?
Warden Samuel Norton: What? What did you call me?
Andy Dufresne: Obtuse. Is it deliberate?
Warden Samuel Norton: Son, you're forgetting yourself.
Andy Dufresne: The country club will have his old time cards. Records, W-2s with his name on them. Sir, if I ever get out, I'd never mention what happens here. I'd be just as indictable as you for laundering that money.
[Norton slaps the table]
Warden Samuel Norton: Don't you ever mention money to me again, you sorry son of a bitch! Not in this office, not anywhere!

2.Pulp Fiction
Famous quotes from the movie

Marsellus: In the fifth, your ass goes down. Say it.
Butch: In the fifth, my ass goes down.

Jules: You, flock of seagulls, you know why we're here? Why don't you tell my man Vincent where you got the shit hid at?
Marvin: It's over th...
Jules: I don't remember askin' you a Goddamn thing! You were saying?
Roger: It's in the cupboard.
[Vincent starts looking in the upper cupboard]
Roger: No, no, the one by your kn-knees.
Jules: We happy?
[Vincent continues staring at the briefcase's contents]
Jules: Vincent! We happy?
Vincent: Yeah, we happy.
Brett: I'm sorry, I didn't get your name. I got yours, Vincent, right? But I didn't get yours...
Jules: My name's Pitt. And your ass ain't talkin' your way out of this shit.
Brett: No, no, I just want you to know... I just want you to know how sorry we are that things got so fucked up with us and Mr. Wallace. We got into this thing with the best intentions and I never...
Jules: [Jules shoots the man on the couch] I'm sorry, did I break your concentration? I didn't mean to do that. Please, continue, you were saying something about best intentions. What's the matter? Oh, you were finished! Well, allow me to retort. What does Marsellus Wallace look like?
Brett: What?
Jules: What country are you from?
Brett: What? What? Wh - ?
Jules: "What" ain't no country I've ever heard of. They speak English in What?
Brett: What?
Jules: English, motherfucker, do you speak it?
Brett: Yes! Yes!
Jules: Then you know what I'm sayin'!
Brett: Yes!
Jules: Describe what Marsellus Wallace looks like!

Honey Bunny: [about to rob a diner] I love you, Pumpkin.
Pumpkin: I love you, Honey Bunny.
Pumpkin: [Standing up with a gun] All right, everybody be cool, this is a robbery!
Honey Bunny: Any of you fucking pricks move, and I'll execute every motherfucking last one of ya!

Paul: So, I hear you're taking Mia out.
Vincent: At Marsellus's request.
Paul: You met Mia yet?
Vincent: No.
[Jules and Paul laugh]
Vincent: What's so fucking funny?
Jules: I gotta piss.
Vincent: Look, I'm not stupid. It's the Big Man's wife. I'm gonna sit across from her, chew my food with my mouth closed, laugh at her fucking jokes, and that's it.

Yolanda: You want to rob banks?
Pumpkin: I'm not saying I want to rob banks, I'm just illustrating that if we did, it'd be easier than what we've been doing.
Yolanda: No more liquor stores?
Pumpkin: What have we been talking about? Yeah, no more liquor stores. Besides, it ain't the giggle it used to be. Too many foreigners own liquor stores these days. Vietnamese, Koreans, they don't even speak fucking English. You tell them, empty out the register, they don't know what the fuck you're talking about. They make it too personal, one of these gook fuckers is gonna make us kill him.
Yolanda: I'm not gonna kill anybody.
Pumpkin: I don't want to kill anybody either. But they'll probably put us in a situation where it's us or them. And if it's not the gooks, it's these old fucking Jews who've owned the store for fifteen fucking generations, you've got Grampa Irving sitting behind the counter with a fucking Magnum in his hand. Try walking into one of those places with nothing but a phone, see how far you get.

3. GoodFellas
famous quotes

Tommy DeVito: In this day and age, what the fuck is this world coming to? I can't believe this, prejudice against - a Jew broad - prejudice against Italians.
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[first lines]
Henry Hill: The fuck is that?

Morrie: Henry, you're a good kid, I've been good to you, you've been good to me. But there's something really unreasonable going on here. Jimmy's being an unconsionable ball-breaker. I never agreed to 3 points on top of the vig! Am I something special? Some sort of schmuck on wheels?
Henry Hill: Morrie, please! You borrowed Jimmy's money, pay him.
Morrie: I never agreed to 3 points on top of the vig! What am I, fuckin nuts? Come on!
Henry Hill: Are you gonna argue with Jimmy Conway? Just give him his money so we can get the fuck outta here!
Morrie: Hey! Fuck 'em! Fuck 'em in the ear! What are you talking about? Fuck 'em in the other ear, that son of a bitch! Did I ever bust his balls? Did I? Did I? I could've jumped the dime a million times, and I wouldn't have to pay tip!
Henry Hill: Come on, Morrie, you're talking crazy, stop it!
Jimmy Conway: [Grabs telephone cord and chokes Morrie with it, then his wig falls off and Henry starts laughing] You got money for that fuckin commercial. Fuckin' commercial, you don't got my money, you don't got my fuckin money, huh?
Henry Hill: Jimmy, he'll pay, he'll pay.
Jimmy Conway: I'll fuckin kill you, get the money, you fuckin' cocksucker, you hear me?
[Phone rings]
Jimmy Conway: Pay me my money.
Morrie: Hello? Who's this? He's here.
[Gives phone to Henry]
Henry Hill: Jimmy, I'm sorry.
Jimmy Conway: Yeah? You should be sorry. Don't fuckin do it again and give me the money. Give me the fuckin money, You hear me? You hear me, I gotta come here and you bust my balls? Give me the fuckin money.
Morrie: OK, OK, OK. I'll pay you kid.

Spider: [hesitating] Why don't you go fuck yourself, Tommy?
Jimmy Conway: [stunned silence] Whoa! Can't believe what I just heard. Hey Spider, here. This is for you.
[tosses money on the table]
Jimmy Conway: Attaboy! I got respect for this kid. He's got a lot of fucking balls. Good for you! Don't take no shit off nobody.

4. The godfather, famous quotes

Luca Brasi: Don Corleone, I am honored and grateful that you have invited me to your home on the wedding day of your daughter. And may their first child be a masculine child.

Michael: I have to see my father and his people so have dinner without me.
Kay Adams: Oh, Michael.
Michael: This weekend we'll go out. We'll go to the city, see a show and have dinner, I promise.
Kay Adams: Hmmmm. Michael. Michael, wait, your sister wants to ask you something.
Michael: Well, let her ask.
Kay Adams: No, she's afraid to. Connie and Carlo want you to be Godfather to their little boy.
Michael: We'll see.
Kay Adams: Will you?
Michael: Let me think about it. We'll see.

Sollozzo: Bene, Don Corleone. I need a man who has powerful friends. I need a million dollars in cash. I need, Don Corleone, all of those politicians that you carry around in your pocket, like so many nickels and dimes.
Don Corleone: What is the interest for my family?
Sollozzo: Thirty percent. In the first year your end should be three, four million dollars. And then it would go up.
Don Corleone: And what is the interest for the Tattalgia family?
Sollozzo: [smiles at Tom] My compliments.
[Hagen gives a formal nod]
Sollozzo: I'll take care of the Tattaglias, out of my share.
Don Corleone: So, I am to receive thirty percent for finance, for legal protection and political influence. Is that what you're telling me?
Sollozzo: That's right.
Don Corleone: Why come to me? What have I done to deserve such generosity?
Sollozzo: If you consider a million dollars in cash merely finance...
[raises his glass]
Sollozzo: Te salut, Don Corleone.
[the Don gets up to take a drink and sits closer to Sollozzo]
Don Corleone: I said that I would see you because I had heard that you were a serious man, to be treated with respect. But I must say no to you and let me give you my reasons. It's true I have a lot of friends in politics, but they wouldn't be so friendly if they knew my business was drugs instead of gambling which they consider a harmless vice. But drugs, that's a dirty business.
Sollozzo: No, Don Corleone...
Don Corleone: It makes no difference, it don't make any difference to me what a man does for a living, you understand. But your business is a little dangerous.
Sollozzo: If you're worried about security for your million, the Tattaglias will guarantee it.
Sonny: Whoa, now, you're telling me that the Tattaglias guarantee our investment without...?
Don Corleone: Wait a minute.
Don Corleone: [dismissive] I have a sentimental weakness for my children and I spoil them, as you can see. They talk when they should listen. Anyway, Signor Sollozzo, my no to you is final. I want to congratulate you on your new business and I'm sure you'll do very well and good luck to you. Especially since your interests don't conflict with mine. Thank you.
[Sollozzo leaves]
Don Corleone: Santino, come here.
Don Corleone: What's the matter with you? I think your brain is going soft with all that comedy you are playing with that young girl. Never tell anyone outside the Family what you are thinking again. Go on.

Michael: My credit good enough to buy you out?
Moe Greene: Buy me out?
[Fredo laughs nervously]
Michael: The hotel, the casino. The Corleone Family wants to buy you out.
Moe Greene: The Corleone Family wants to buy me out? No, I buy you out, you don't buy me out.
Michael: Your casino loses money, maybe we can do better.
Moe Greene: You think I'm skimmin off the top, Mike?
Michael: [Michael shakes his head] You're unlucky.
Moe Greene: You goddamn guineas you really make me laugh. I do you a favor and take Freddie in when you're having a bad time, and now you're gonna try and push me out!
Michael: You took Freddie in because the Corleone Family bankrolled your casino, and the Molinari Family on the Coast guaranteed his safety. Now we're talking business, let's talk business.
Moe Greene: Yeah, let's talk business, Mike. First of all, you're all done. The Corleone Family don't even have that kind of muscle anymore. The Godfather's sick, right? You're getting chased out of New York by Barzini and the other Families. What do you think is going on here? You think you can come to my hotel and take over? I talked to Barzini - I can make a deal with him, and still keep my hotel!
Michael: Is that why you slapped my brother around in public?
Fredo: Aw, now that, that was nothin', Mike. Moe didn't mean nothin' by that. Yeah, sure he flies off the handle every once in a while, but me and him, we're good friends, right Moe?
Moe Greene: I got a business to run. I gotta kick asses sometimes to make it run right. We had a little argument, Freddy and me, so I had to straighten him out.
Michael: You straightened my brother out?
Moe Greene: He was banging cocktail waitresses two at a time! Players couldn't get a drink at the table! What's the matter with you?
Michael: I leave for New York tomorrow, think about a price.
Moe Greene: Sonofabitch! Do you know who I am? I'm Moe Greene! I made my bones when you were going out with cheerleaders!
Fredo: Wait a minute, Moe, Moe, I got an idea. Tom, you're the Consiglieri and you can talk to the Don, you can explain...
Tom Hagen: Now hold it right there. The Don is semi-retired and Mike is in charge of the Family business now. If you have anything to say, say it to Michael.
Fredo: [Moe Greene leaves] Mike! You do not come to Las Vegas and talk to a man like Moe Greene like that!
Michael: Fredo, you're my older brother, and I love you. But don't ever take sides with anyone against the Family again. Ever.

5.The good The Bad The Ugly

Blondie: You may run the risks, my friend, but I do the cutting. We cut down my percentage - uh, cigar? - liable to interfere with my aim.
Tuco: But if you miss you had better miss very well. Whoever double-crosses me and leaves me alive, he understands nothing about Tuco. Nothing!
[Chuckles, bites cigar]

Tuco: Hurrah! Hurrah for the Confederacy! HURRAH! Down with General Grant! Hurrah for General... What's his name? Lee! LEE! Ha ha. God is with us because he hates the Yanks too. HURRAH!
Blondie: [spits] God is not on our side because he hates idiots also.

[surveying some Civil War carnage]
Blondie: I've never seen so many men wasted so badly.

Blondie: Two hundred thousand dollars is a lot of money. We're gonna have to earn it.

6. Lord of the rings Return of the king

7. Fight Club

8.The Shining

9. Saving Private Ryan

10. 8 mile

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